Friday, September 29, 2006

A First.

The thing is the older you get the less "firsts" you have. You can only have one First Pet. One First Plane Flight. One first whatever. Unless you starting counting retarded things like "First Slice of Strawberry Pie on a Tuesday After Turning 25 When it's Raining." And then you must just really be bored. Anyway, today I had a first. As some of you know, I've been playing soccer on Cody's indoor team (certainly a first). Well, today I got my first ball impression on my body. Yup, someone kicked the ball so hard at me it left the soccer ball shape on my leg. My knee actually. There's a fat bruise and you can make out the shapes of the soccer ball - in my SKIN! That's insane. I am never again going to stand between a big guy and the goal. Ow! I swear it took my 30 minutes to regain feeling in my knee/upper leg as the entire area went numb it hit so darn hard. Oh well, the price we pay. :)

Cody's parents get here tomorrow! They get to watch us play soccer next week - my first spectators. :)

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