Monday, September 25, 2006

Happy First Day of Fall - Late, as Usual

Happy Autumnal Equinox! Well, it was actually on Saturday (the 23rd) but I was too lazy to actually post on it that day because of the party so I'm posting on it now. :) I guess it's officially fall now. I am officially in cranky mode - the days are now shorter then the nights. I make no bones about it - I love the warm sunny days. I love the long days. I love sunshine and the outdoors. The winter? Not so much. I can tolerate it for about a week and then I'm done. I get cranky and pouty and just want to sit inside in my warm pjs with some warm food and then more warm food and more warm food - you get the drift. I am not a winter person. People say winters aren't bad here - I guess those people never grew up in Florida.

Well, it's fall and it's certainly showing around here. The leaves are changing and twice already I've had to wear a scarf to work - I've worn a jacket quite a few times and actually have busted out the coat a few times as well. It's not just been cool or chilly, but downright cold already a few days. I guess it had to come sooner or later.

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