Monday, September 11, 2006

A nice weekend.

Gators won. Seminoles won. Notre Dame kicked the hell out of Penn State and Ohio State beat Texas. I'd say that was a good weekend. Okay, I guess some will say there is more to life then football - but don't tell Cody that.
Friday we went to dinner with friends at my favorite Greek restaraunt - they have an amazing spinach pita! Saturday Cody fixed my car and I ran. Yes, that's right! Cody fixed the clutch so now I can drive again! I was quite impressed - in less then 1.5 hours and for less then $50 he fixed the entire problem! The dealer would have charged a few hundred dollars and likely taken days! It's so great to have someone handy around! Not only can he replace parts, but he can diagnose a problem, figure out what needs to be done, and then can fix it!! Yipee! Go Cody! Then of course, it was football time. And then more football. And then some more. The Gators looke good - against a sub-par team. The Seminoles looked awful against and even more sub-par team. I was simply happy Notre Dame and Ohio State won.
Today was soccer for Cody, biking for me and then Cody went into work the rest of the day. I cleaned the house and ran errands. Actually a quite productive weekend - especially the car part!!

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