Monday, September 25, 2006


This goes in the category of funny, off the wall things Cody says that just make me crack up.

When we finally awoke at 2pm Saturday afternoon (not too bad for us), neither of us felt much like doing anything except watching football. So we dragged the laptop downstairs to keep track of ESPN Scoreboard and watched some network TV football. Since we live in the Midwest we were cursed with having to watch Illinois. They suck. Ron Zook is now their coach. He sucks (he was the coach at UF after Spurier in case you don't keep track of those things and lost about a zillion games). Anyway, at least they were playing a ranked Iowa team who didn't suck so bad - but I guess you really couldn't tell because they were playing such a bad team. Anyway, Illinois had a player named Juice Williams. No kidding. Want proof? Who in their right mind would name their child "Juice"? Are you just sick in the head? Anyway, lest I digress from the story. So, at some point the announcer asked something to the tune of "When is Juice most efficient/effective?" He was, of course, refering to his offensive ability (he's a QB), but Cody just answered "When you're sick." Just as plain and matter-of-fact and straight-faced as you can get. But of course, Juice is most effective when you're sick. Thanks Cody. You crack me the hell up sometimes.

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