Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Finally Maybe?

Finally. Maybe. This afternoon I managed to somehow talk Cody's mom into going wedding dress shopping with me - actually we didn't so much as go shopping as we did just go look at the ones I had narrowed it down to. Poor lady didn't know what she was getting herself into with the beast that is me and dress shopping. :) She's quite a trooper though - and she's not even MY mom! Anyway, we went and looked at them and for some reason whatever she said to me resonated and I think I've picked a dress! Not totally yet, but 75% sure. Remember how I said how wonderful his parents are and they have a way of saying things that make sense? Well this is one of those instances. I can't remember exactly what she said or how she said it but she listened to what I was saying and watched my movements in a way that when she did give advise I really understood it. She basically picked up on my actions in a way I can't and pointed those out to me. When we were done looking at them and discussing them, I just felt more comfortable with one of the dresses in particular. She pointed out that I just kept saying "But I love this dress" over and over whenever the salesperson or I would notice something about it. So even though it's the least forgiving dress in terms of body forgiveness and it might wrinkle a bit more then others and it's not as dressy or fancy or lacy or sparkly, I just kept coming back to "I love this dress." Anyway, I really have no idea how she just makes you feel at ease with decisions but she doesn't push one tiny bit but rather somehow paves the way for you to feel comfortable in your own decision. I really need to learn that skill. I sometimes tend to give a bit more then my two cents worth when most times both I and the person I'm listening to would probably be better off if I had the skill to just point out observations about their choices and make them feel comfortable in their own decision making. Anyway, for what it's worth, I think I made a decision about my wedding dress. Now if only I could move forward with all the other planning and decision making there is to be done!!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Yeah! I was so excited to order my wedding dress.