Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Thoughts and Prayers.

A friend's mom passed away yesterday. She emailed today and I was at a loss for words. What do you say in that situation? I cannot even fathom what she is going through right now. I would not wish that on anyone in the world. It just has to be the worst feeling ever - especially when it's unexpected. So I did the best I could and offered to help in any way we could. The viewing/wake/memorial service (depending on your religion or traditions) is Thursday and Friday. We'll go hoping to offer her the tiniest bit of consolation and in the very least let her know she has a friend to lean on.

It sucks getting older - a rather unfortunate side effect is that it's less of a shock with a friend's parent dies. We're still young enough for it not to be happening on a regular basis - as a matter of fact I think I've had more friends die young then friends I've known whose parent has died - but we're getting old enough that it's becoming more and more a fact of life. Ten years ago if a friend's parent had died it would have been totally and completely tragic and unfair. It's no less tragic now but as we get older we accept the fact that those around us do as well - and our folks just happen to have a big head start on us.

So, as you read this be thankful for those in your life still alive, be blessed by the ones that aren't and please keep my friend in your thoughts and prayers - whichever you believe in.

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