Monday, November 13, 2006


Ask Baylee (our cute three-year old niece) - I really have no favorite colour. She's very into whose favorite colour is what and has memorized the entire family's favorites. Very impressive since I certainly couldn't remember that. Anyway, whenever she asks me mine, I always tell her "the rainbow." I really do like all colours - they all have their purpose and place. I'm not sure I ever had a favorite but if I ever did have one it would have been blue or black. I tended to like groups of colours - like earth tones. But lately I've been attracted to green. I've never really particularly liked green before - certainly no more than any other colour - but lately I have a thing for green. I even bought my first real green shirt last week. I'm experimenting with green lately.
The reason for this green tirade? I'm trying out a green blog to see how it fits. We'll have to see.

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