Saturday, November 18, 2006

Why Women Rock

I think women are amazing beings - and not just because I am one. They manage to juggle careers, homes and self seamlessly day in and day out. Tragedy hits, crisises occur and more often then not women take the hits and keep moving forward. Anyway, today one particular nugget occured to me.
Women can stand at the top of a set of basement stairs and can tell from about 40 feet away if the washer is running, even if the dryer is loudly spinning - we can tell the difference between the way the washer and dryer sounds from 40 feet away and can even tell, on occassion, what cycle the washer is in. I think that's amazing. Sorry, guys, but there's not a chance in hell you can stand at my basement door and tell me if my washer is running over the sound of the dryer. Pretty cool.
We can also tell you, while standing at the grocery store, just about how much milk and bread and cheese we have left, even without going home to check first.
I'm not being sexist, I'm just sending a props to all the women out there that manage to take care of everything in their lives so wonderfully - and I'm not talking about me, just all the ladies in general. :)

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