Sunday, November 19, 2006

Happy Anniversary!

One year ago today, Cody proposed. We had decided to go paddle boating at the lake in Forest Park since it was actually above 50 degrees (which it was not near today) so we rode our bikes up there to get some exercise. We paddled around the lake, all the way to the Art Museum and Grand Basin and were on our way back, checking out all the bridges, when he leaned over, got the ring out of his pocket, sort of got down on a knee, and asked me to marry him. It couldn't have been more perfect - outside, on the water, having fun. So, here we are a year later, still planning this damned wedding. :) We've made major strides though lately - we have the officiant down, got the engagement annoucement in the paper in Tally, I think I picked out invitations, I got the first round of Save-The-Dates out (if you don't have yours yet, don't sweat it -but let me know because it may have gotten lost in the mail or I have a wrong address), we're working on a photographer and DJ, and I'm down to two dresses. :) Hopefully we'll get some final details worked out with the hotel/reception site over Thanksgiving - menu, rooms, etc. Fun fun. I think I would enjoy wedding planning a lot more if my life were not already totally full with fulfilling things I enjoy (besides work -don't even get me started on this mess), but alas, we do what we can and then the next day comes and we do some more. :)
So, yes, it's official - we're going to Tally for Thanksgiving. We're hoping to leave here by 1 or 2 pm on Wednesday so we get to Tally around 3 or 4 am. Then on Thursday we hope to see my dad and his family in the morning, then Cody's family in the afternoon, and my mom's family in the evening - what a day - good thing we don't have kids to drag around to all this - they'd be even more exhausted then we would. :) Friday I hope to look at dresses, meet with the hotel/reception guy, work out some more wedding details, and work on registering - I still have to blog about what a disaster that was. :) Saturday is FSU v. UF which we hope to find tickets for and Sunday we drive back. If you're reading this and either live in Tally or will be visiting, please let me know where everyone is planning to go out or meet up - I'd love to see everyone!!!
In other news, we did a great job this weekend of getting the house cleaned pre-Thanksgiving. One of my biggest pet peeves is leaving for a trip and the whole time knowing you're coming back to a dirty/messy house. If we can keep it up for two days we'll be comign home to a pretty clean and tidy house - for once! :)
And no - we still don't have my car back - it still wasn't ready on Friday.
Have a good Monday!
p.s. I still think I like green on the blog.

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