Friday, November 17, 2006

Still no car.

Yup - still don't have my car back. Supposedly it should be ready tomorrow afternoon after 4pm - the only problem is they're only open until 5pm - which gives us an ever-so-inconvenient ONE HOUR in which to pick up the car or miss it until Monday - oh, and add to that we only have one car right now for the both of us and I will have it in Poplar Bluff until about 7pm (I have to go there to take a deposition tomorrow afternoon and it's 3 hours away). Ahhh... the joys we go through just so some dumb thief can get a kick out of breaking into my car.

In other, not so bitter news, not much is going on. Yesterday I was in Mexico . . . . Missouri. What a place. I was up there for work and got to drive Cody's baby, the Jeep. It's odd driving an SUV when you're so used to a tiny car. And boy does it blow with the wind. I was quite concerned that it might tip over, but it didn't and I made it home safe and sound in our one remaining vehicle . . . because the thief messed up our other one, leaving us with one. Lest I digress.

It was supposed to snow yesterday - 2-3 inches at least - but it didn't. Just lots of cold rain. For the past two years I've been here the first day of snow has always been November 30th - we'll see if that holds true again this year.

Yesterday I got to babysit the most amazing one-year old (almost one - next week). My friends were going out so I got to baby-sit their adorable one year old daughter, Elizabeth. We had a blast. I seriously had a great time with her - and no, that does not mean we're going to be popping out babies any time soon - it just means that I got very lucky to be able to spend a decent amount of time with such a great kid. I have no pipe dream whatsoever of having a kid half as good as she is, as I'm convinced I'm going to be cursed with the worst demon child ever - since I was one myself - seriously, ask my mom, I was a serious demon child. Anyway, Elizabeth was wonderful. We hung out on the couch playing with cloth letters and books for about an hour. Then we crawled around on the floor a while - playing hide and go seek (sort of - the one-year-old version) and chase. Things were going great and she started to get a bit fussy - not bawling or anything - just fussy. It took a few minutes to figure out what she wanted since at first I thought she was just getting tired - but then she didn't want to lay down - her diaper was clean - and she didn't want any juice. But then I hit the jackpot -Cherrios. She was in love - and happy. She had the greatest time eating those Cherrios - it was almost the most fun part of the evening watching her pick them up one by one and shoving (not placing, but shoving) them into her mouth. Then she would debate putting one in my hand for me but would always take it back and eat it. She was adorable. I had such a great time with her and could only imagine how great it must be to have a kid that good (again, I will never know because my kid will be a demon child). But again, no we're not having kids any time soon - too much to do first!!!

In today's news, we had our second soccer game of this "season," or better termed, "session." We lost 5-1, but it should have been 5-2. The other team was good and we had a good time playing. Cody really rocks - I wish I could play 1/2 as good as him or the other folks on the team - but I'm learning. It's fun nonetheless. Unfortunately I thought it would be a good idea to get in a quick work-out before soccer so I rode the stationary bike for a while - bad idea - my legs were like lead weights during the game. :) That was the lesson learned today.

Well, off to bed to wake up, take Cody to work, go to work and then to the metropolis of Poplar Bluff. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MEA - you were not a demon child - except to your brother. You were just active and demanded attention - imagine that.

To study, perchance to pass.