Wednesday, June 27, 2007


We were married almost 12 weeks ago - and we just TODAY got our professional wedding pictures. Better late then never and while I was getting antsy about them, I was so happy with them it was worth it. They can now all be found at (I have both the ones taken by friends and family and the professional ones). They can also be found at if you type in "Raffensperger." They are expensive to buy on Pictage so I plan to upload them onto winkflash or kodakgallery or something since we paid for the rights to the photos. :) Anyway, I'm thrilled with them. I also updated the webpage a bit.
In other news - not much is going on. We've had a relatively uneventful week which is rare for us. I went to the orthopedist yesterday regarding my knee and sure enough I have somehow found my way into IT band syndrome - which means no running in pain - none. So now I have the fun and joy of physical therapy again to try to make me better quick enough that I can still train for the marathon in September. At first I was incredibly frustrated by yet another running injury but I'm taking this one much better - it's like it's not even a shock any more. But I am getting antsy about not running - so hopefully I'll be cleared to go back soon!
Otherwise, we're just waiting on news from Washington University regarding Cody's MBA application. And enjoying our down time. :)

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