Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Almost two months ago, to the day, I picked up Harry Potter #1 on the recommendation of a very smart friend. Right now I can't decide if she was that smart after all (just kidding Melissa!!). I just finished Harry Potter #6 - the entire series to date (#7 comes out a month from tomorrow) - and am seriously floored. I can NOT believe what the author has done! Right now I HATE Ms. Rowling!!! Honestly I'm not sure how I'm going to make it through the next month until #7 comes out - all my friends are probably going to want to kill me because that's all I can think about is what will happen in #7. These books are absolutely addicting. I'm obsessed. Maybe I just needed something to fill the empty time now that wedding planning is over (What? I'm married? When did that happen?), but I have read more in the past 2 months then I have in ages - and I'm a pretty big reader. Keep in mind one of those books was close to or at 900 pages long.

Anyway, this author is amazing - I had serious serious doubts when I started the series as to the legitimacy of the popularity, but it's been proven more then I could have imagined. She can write in such a way that makes you feel what the characters are going through - she writes awkward teenage boy in a way that makes you feel awkward for him - she writes joy that makes you smile - she writes sadness that seriously will make you cry. As you read through the book you scream "NO! Don't let that happen!" and then it does and you're floored. How can she do that to her characters? But her response, from the little I've read online, is "that's life."

The only other author that has come close to transferring the emotion that Rowling does (I'm talking modern fiction here) is Anna Quindlen - at the end of the book you just sit there floored. Dumbfounded. But still nothing compared to Ms. Rowling who I hate right now (did I already mention my intense frustration at her?). I can't believe she has put this kid through so much!!! The countdown is on! July 21st is only 1 month away!

p.s. Thanks Cody's folks for getting me the series for my birthday - otherwise I would have had to continue to stalk every branch of the St. Louis Public Library (and all surrounding cities, counties and townships) until I found #5 - thankfully when I finished #4 at 1am one night I could just run downstairs and grab #5 off the shelf already! :)

p.p.s. For those who follow the series - a few thoughts from Cody (who has not read any of the books but watched parts of the movies #1-3): He calls Dumbeldore, "Dumble Snore" and Harry either Harry Pot-Nuts or Harry Pot-Head - creative, huh? :) He's convinced that Lord Voldemort is really Harry's dad (If you know the series you know how crazy this is.) His favorite character so far (in the movies) is Dobby, who I find annoying. And he thinks what happens to Dumbeldore in #6 doesn't really happen (I won't give it away for those who haven't read it).

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