Monday, July 09, 2007

Adventures in Adult Land.

Slowly but surely Cody and I are realizing that we are adults and that there's little we can do about that. Sometimes it's me that revolts against this seemingly impending doom and other times it's him. So here's some of our recent adventures in Adult Land - a land where we seem to be visiting more and more lately - for better or worse - though certainly not exclusively.
Thursday my friend Marissa was in town from NJ - those at the wedding will remember her as one of the bridesmaids - so her departure from St. Louis was particularly rough for me as she was one of my closest friends here. But the job she took in NJ was a wonderful opportunity for her and she is now really close to her family so while I may miss her, it's a fantastic situation for her. Anyway, we had a Girl's Night Thursday night and went to the Cheesecake Factory (I think I'm still full from that meal - and I had a "weight control" salad) and shopping - tons of fun as always - though I had no car - it broke down in front of Babies 'R Us out in the middle of nowhere (no there's nothing to tell - I was just getting a baby shower gift).
Friday I had physical therapy (I'm up to running 10 minutes without major pain now!) and then Cody and I went to test the car - still didn't work. Then we went out with Marissa, her fiance, and Melanie - always a fun time - and it included Ted Drewes (for those not from STL - that's crazy good custard).
Saturday we went to a friend's wedding - it was quite nice - and then, gasp, worked on the car AGAIN! We were morons and spent almost 2 hours on something that both of us should have known was wrong - it's a circuits thing - we tested the fuel pump that we thought was grounded, only to spend tons of time getting it out to realize it wasn't grounded and thus the test we did was invalid - it actually did work - so we put it back in and gave up.
Sunday we babysat some adorable kids! They made this whole baby thing look totally easy! Michael is 25 months and Daniel is 8 months -and they were fabulous! We played with them for a while, fed them and then they napped - for hours - so did Cody. Then they woke up - ate some more and played some more. Pretty much I just took whichever one was upset and Cody played with the other one so it worked out great. While I think he would be fantastic at quieting a screaming/crying kid when they either screamed or cried he sort of looked at them confused so I took over there. While I think now I'm great with screaming/crying kids, I'm sure as soon as I have my own I'll think very differently. :)
Today was more of the same - work and the car. We think we figured out what is wrong with the car - the same thing that was fixed a few months ago - so we're going to see if we can get them to fix it for free this time. We also went shopping for Cody clothes - this is the second time we've done this since I moved to STL over three years ago. But this time we were crazy successful - we got Cody a super great charcoal gray suit (for his interview with Wash U on Friday and to have a nice general suit) and a bunch of work clothes. It was overall quite sucessful.
So that's it - still no car but we do have Cody a suit. Now it's time to do my physical therapy - fun fun. I hope everyone is doing great and enjoying their summer. :)

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