Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Thoughts for today. . .

Here is a poem/story to epitomize my day (for unrelevant historical reference The Epitome used to be one of my favorite bars/hangouts): (author unknown - not me - famous person unknown)

"Autobiography in Five Short Chapters"
Chapter One
I walk down the road. There's a big hole in the road. I don't see it. I fall in. It's dark and scary. It's not my fault. It takes me a long time to get out.
Chapter Two
I walk down the road. There's a big hole in the road. I don't see it. I fall in. It's dark and scary. It's not my fault. It takes me less time to get out.
Chapter Three
I walk down the road. There's a big hole in the road. I see it. I fall in anyway. It's dark and scary. Maybe I've got something to do with this. I get out.
Chapter Four
I walk down the road. There's a big hole in the road. I see it. I walk around the hole.
Chapter Five
I walk down a different road.

Yeah, today's been an interesting/enlightening/rough day. You realize that you keep walking down paths you've already been on over and over and over and over again and that you've fallen in that perverbal hole over and over and over again. And then one day you realize that's not such a great idea anymore and you stop falling in. I guess I'm there. Not quite to avoiding the road but to the point of learning to avoid the hole. That's really all I can say at this point - and by the way it has nothing to do with Cody. I just wish I would learn - I fell like someone is watching over me saying "when will that kid EVER learn?" And the answer, I guess, is that I'm really really dense.

1 comment:

Jon said...

The very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results. Believe me, it's the story of my life as well.
And who among us didn't love The Epitome. There's actually a MySpace group set up for just that purpose.