Sunday, July 29, 2007


I'm not sure how much I've blogged about this in the past few months, but back at the end of May I started having an insane pain in my knee about 2 miles into a run. It came on very suddenly, with no warning, at the beginning of an otherwise normal run. And it just got worse and worse - for the first time I actually had to stop running, turn around and walk home. I usually push though most anything. The second time it happened (the next time I ran a few days later) I ran through it, practically limping the last mile of the 5.65. The next few days after that I could barely walk. So I took a week off, started back slow and got to 7 minues. That was it - I could only make it 7 minutes. Down from 2 hours to 7 minutes - sad. At that point I went to the doctor - and of course, as the weath of information on the internet so informed me, it was IT band syndrome. Basically it's a band that runs from your hip to your knee - it's big and powerful but when it gets inflammed it hurts like hell. Women tend to get it more because we have wider hips and our knees turn in more when we run putting pressure on the band. So I was referred to PT. Usually I swear by the benefits of physical therapy - the last time I had knee problems PT saved me and when I had ankle surgery it was the only thing that got me walking again. So I religiously went to PT and did their exercises - to no avail - still couldn't get over 7 minutes without pain - I got up to 14 minutes once but it was apparently a fluke. So back to the doctor on Monday - he gave me an injection which hurt like hell but was supposed to be the magic bullet. So I couldn't do ANYTHING with my knee all week - biking, running, lots of walking, eliptical, stairs, weights, etc. - nothing. While it was difficult to sit still all week I did it. So today I was allowed to run again - up to 15 minutes said the doc - no pushing it. Well, I made it 10 before it started hurting. Sigh. I guess it's back to the doc for round two or option two - no clue.
I'm so tired of not being able to run like I want to. Anyone who was around me during the wedding or wedding planning found out quickly how much I need to run and how it is a wonderful stress release for me. Hopefully soon.

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