Wednesday, July 11, 2007

And the world spins faster.

Today was one of those crazy days. It started out crazy and got crazier as the hours passed. We started out with Cody having a Wash U information session at 5:30 and me having PT at 5:15 - so we started with a car problem since mine was STILL in front of Babies R' Us in Chestefield (a zillion miles away). Then by 10:30 am it had gotten nuttier. Cody got a call from Wash U noting his planned attendance at the info session. Since he had an interview scheduled already on Friday they wanted to know if he could come in today and do it instead since he'll already be there - of course he said yes. So crazy us spent all day Monday looking for him a suit, paid extra to have the alterations done by Thursday for the interview on Friday and the interview gets moved to Wednesday - that's our life for ya'. :) So we drafted a nice, polite email telling the guy he won't have time to go home to get his "suit" and is it okay if he comes in work clothes - they lauded his desire to be professional and noted it would be fine to come in work clothes. To add to the crazy day I then set up an appointment to have the car towed to the dealer (I hate dealers and wouldn't take it there except they fixed it last time and I think it's the same thing broken again so I'm hoping they fix it for free this time).
So we both left work early, met at the house, got him dressed and ready for the interview (while he couldn't be in a suit because it won't be ready until tomorrow he needed to still look nice), I dropped him off for the interview, drove to Chesterfield to meet the tow guy - he took so long I missed my eye appointment that was strategically scheduled between towing and PT - got the car towed, went to physical therapy while Cody was interviewing and having his info session and then went to pick him up.
Busy but productive. He thinks the interview went pretty well and we should know by the end of the week. Pretty much our entire lives at this moment hinge on their decision. If they say no then we're moving to California. If they say yes, but for spring only, then we have decisions to make. If they say yes for fall then we have to talk but we'll likely commit to 2-3 more years in St. Louis. While I like it here, 2-3 years here is hard to swallow. It wasn't so bad a few years ago to think of 2-3 years here but now that I've been here for 3 years, I think we've done what we need to do here, seen what there is to see, and our time here has run its course. Plus 3 more winters makes me want to cry right now. But this will be a great opportunity for him. It's not that I hate it here, I actually love it here - good friends and good times - but this was never meant to be a permanent move - it's a stepping stone to something better- it was temporary - and we're sort of running on the back end of that. So we'll let you know when we hear!!!

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