Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Look what we made!!

We created life -sort of. Months ago our garden looked like the 2nd picture (which because Blogger can be dumb because I uploaded it first the second picture automatically goes on top - not what I was looking for). Tiny little seedlings perfectly spaced in rows. Now it's a massive jungle that is difficult to maneuver through. Yesterday on my way out to run (I'm up to 10 minutes! Take that IT Band problem!! I will beat you 3 minutes at a time if I have to!) I stopped by to check out how things were doing. So far we're getting tons of jalapeno peppers, quite a few banana peppers and we have a good number of bell peppers on the vines. But then I checked out the cucumber - which is half way to our neighbor's front porch by now it's getting so big - and we had a ginormous (newly added to the Webster dictionary today) cucumber! It was almost 8 inches long. While that may not be huge by grocery store/chemically induced plant standards that's pretty good for us! We were quite impressed. I think when we retire we're going to open up a stand at the Farmer's Market - wake up every day at 4 am, pick our wares for the day and open up shop. And we'll also sell our home-made salsa. We'll be the Pepper Stand. And we can barter with other farmers for the rest of the ingredients for the salsa because we really just grow peppers well. :)

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