Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Been a while.

How can there be "so much going on" at the same time there is "nothing going on"? I have been basically going crazy these last few weeks with flooring people. To add to our already indecisive natures and our insane mission to get the absolute most out of our money, the flooring industry in St. Louis is crap. My current wrath is at both some local flooring companies (that either quoted us outrageous prices to refinish old floors or put in new ones or that just didn't show up several times) or a national chain, that rhymes with Dome Mepot, that just can't seem to figure out what a floor is. I have gone around and around trying to get some prices - a seemingly easy process that has lasted weeks. So today, weeks after ripping all my carpet out of upstairs, living with (very sharp) carpet tacks on the stairs and the rooms, living downstairs with the upstairs completely torn up and moved around, I finally have a floor contractor. We went with a local company that I absolutely LOVE. The lady calls me back, is super nice and understanding and has been so kind in working with me and my seemingly endless concerns and questions (this is a big deal for us and thus I have put a LOT of thought and energy into it) - plus I wanted to support local business since I am about ready to burn down our local Home Depot out of frustration. So we should have new wood next week. Still have to figure the carpet out. Home Depot acts like I'm the first person in the history of the store to want carpet. Go figure.

In other news/thoughts:

In case you haven't seen this yet, you should watch this. While I'm not usually one to awe over anything on Oprah or get all giddy about things floating around on the internet, this is pretty good. If you watch the abridged Oprah version (that's what the link is to), you can link to the original, much longer, version that is just as good. Pretty moving stuff. It's all about achieving your childhood dreams and all that stuff. This guy had dreams, went after them and did a good job getting them. Cody and I discussed this and are still debating what our childhood dreams even are or were. I guess we can't ever reach our goals or dreams without figuring out what they are - gotta work on that.

I've stopped drinking on the weekdays - at least for a while. I know, I'm lame and old and no fun. But I think it's a good thing because booze has a lot of calories (and I'm trying to drop my "Midwest Middle") and I was drinking not a ton but often so we've taken up hot tea instead. How old and lame, huh? Instead of coming home and relaxing with a beer, we now come home and relax with a cup of hot herbal tea. :) But no worries, we're still fun enough to drink on the weekends. :)

I'm sort of running again. Had a numbing shot in my knee (oww!) a few weeks ago and was able to run great - meaning something is wrong (duh). But I've been taking it pretty easy and building up and I did 40 minutes today with only very little pain so I'm very encouraged. My goal is the STL half marathon in September and the Chicago marathon in October. We'll have to see. :)

Other then that, I do have some really cool news that I think I will be able to officially post about soon. It's over the moon great. :)


Anonymous said...

WOW - that link was really something! You and Cody may not be able to list your childhood dreams, but I do believe you are living them. You have both done so great, and you have done it mostly on your own. You should both be very proud, not only for what you do, and how far you've come, but for the wonderful loving, caring people you've turned out to be! I for one am very proud of both of you! Love ya's!

maxolasersquad said...

We had our carpet done by some local peeps and it went really good.
If you like special teas you should check out They also have a store in St. Louis at 1459 St. Louis Galleria. I bought Monkey Picked Oolong and Iron Budha Oolong from them and I really like it. I have never liked unsweet tea, but this stuff has flavor and is not bitter and is really good without sugar. If you are going to be old and boring, you might as well be sufistakatid at the same time.