Monday, April 14, 2008


We have floors. You have no idea how happy this makes me. It seems like forever ago that we (meaning ¨I¨) tore out the carpet upstairs in the beginning of this insane quest to rid ourselves of old nasty carpet and update to more wood and new carpet. Well, the long, seemingly endless, journey is finally complete - sort of. Last Tuesday they started the floors - lots of installing new floor in a spare room and sanding the stairs (they were in pretty rough shape - they are, afterall 100 years old). Unfortunately, they were unable to start the painting of the stairs that day because they were not done sanding. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday they put the three coats of polyurethane on the stairs, meaning we couldn´t go upstairs at all until Saturday morning. All in all it wasn´t TOO painful. They usually called on their way here and I ran home from work for a little bit while they painted. They called on Friday while I was in Jefferson City and Cody in a meeting so they had to come back later - so much for giving us a heads up. Anyway, the spare room is gorgeous - absolutely love it. The stairs look better - much much better - but still old - but in a cute, antique sort of way. I still have a good bit of painting of trim and installing quarter round around the new wood to do (wood people charge an arm and a leg to do this so I figured I can do it myself) but I´m getting there. We spent the ENTIRE weekend moving EVERYTHING out of the bedroom (where it was living while they redid the spare room) and all into the spare room -same with the Boy Room - everything out into the dining and living room. We actually slept on the futon in the dining room last night - that was certainly a first. So today they came (insanely late as always) and put in the carpet. Now itś the race to get things as put back together as possible before my bonus parents come on Friday. While they totally would´t care what the house looks like (theyŕe that sort of people), they only see our house a few times a year at best so we really want to show its best side. :) Thankfully Cody was home today (no school on Mondays) and this weekend (no group meetings - thatś a first) to help out - after today itś all me until his folks get here. But I really think I can get a good bit done -hopefully.
Honestly, that is all there is in terms of news. Not too exciting for the rest of the world but has been turning our world upside down and back again. :) I´ĺl be glad when our house is back to somewhat normal mode.

1 comment:

mesa said...

sounds like fun stuff! I'd love to see pictures! I love remodeling and redoing stuff! EXCITING!