Sunday, May 20, 2007

Our Gator Friends REALLY ROCK!

We have fantastic friends. If it weren't for all of them we would have been out of St. Louis 2 years ago. But they are really great. We can count on them, they're fun and we always have something going on. They are seriously a large part of why we are still here and are planning to stay here for at least the near future.
But in particular, our Gator friends rock. First, it's just nice to have people who know what it's like not to be from here and who know where you're from. We can talk about games and sports and no one else can really understand the passion that goes into that in Florida. We can talk about living and growing up in Florida - and then moving to the Midwest. It's just a bond that is hard to replicate.
Anyway, they really went above and beyond for us for our wedding. For a wedding gift, they all went in together and bought us a tile of the floor at the Final Four in Atlanta - the one where the Gators won their 2nd NCAA tournament championship - in two years! I know some people might not be impressed by this, but to Cody and I this is the most amazing thing ever. Just to have friends that would think of something like this and know us well enough to know that we would about have a heart attack when they told us, it worth the world - but then to have those friends AND have a piece of the floor from those games is just priceless. We are seriously going to put it in glass and then put it on display - and then we're going ot have a party for all our Gator friends for a private unveiling ceremony. NOT KIDDING. We're still in shock and can't wait to see it (it takes a while for them to deliver it) - now how cool is that?

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