Wednesday, May 16, 2007

What I get for not watching the weather

Yesterday when I awoke it was nice and sunny and pretty. So I put on a nice and sunny and pretty skirt, sandals and sleeve-less top. Then it proceeded to rain large barn animals from the sky - as I've mentioned earlier, we have hampster sized snow here, I'm not sure what size rain that was - much bigger then hampster. Anyway, after the barn animals finished falling from the sky it turned chilly. Not snow-cold, but definitely a chill. So after work I was not a happy camper walking back. Then after working out I had errands to run - so I thought it would still be warm enough to break out the shorts - it wasn't. I froze my behind off running errands.
Then this morning. It looked nice and sunny from my window so I put on pants and a sleeve-less top (it's sleeveless top week because I got around to shaving my armpits - yipee!) - however, upon walking outside I promptly turned right back around and went back inside to change. It's downright COLD here!
Teach me to watch the weather!

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