Sunday, January 07, 2007

Life is good.

Yes, life is good. Busy, but good. We had a wonderful weekend here in Cold Corn Country.
Friday, I worked late (until about 8pm) because I waited forever to start on a brief for the trial I had before Christmas. Cody was sort of burnt out from the week so we decided to stay in Friday night and just hang out. So we did a few chores here and there but otherwise, watched some movie on TBS (we don't have cable, and thus don't have HBO, so the best we get in terms of "movie channels" is TBS - don't laugh) and got to bed relatively early.
Saturday was uber productive! We got a boat load of work done around the house. Cody changed the brake pads on my car while I took down all the Christmas stuff, including Christmas tree, packed it up and moved it all into the basement. It was actually quite sad taking down all the Christmas stuff, not only because I worked so hard to put it all up, but because it signifies an end to the "holidays" - now it's just winter. Stupid, cold, winter. No more fun. No more cheer. Just winter. Anyway, we got all the Christmas stuff cleared out, the kitchen cleaned, the boy room cleaned, the living room done, etc. It was great - I even got started on the depths of the mess in the spare room - paper hell. Paper and junk everywhere - all the random stuff that still needs to be gone through from the move (1.5 years ago). But I got a good start - at least got some stuff organized and others thrown out.
Saturday night we had some friends over for a laid back evening sitting around the fire outside. It's been a rather mild winter so far (knock on wood) so it was a nice evening to sit outside by the fire, drink and make S'mores. Yes, there was plenty of S'more making - good fun with good friends.
Today we ran errands - we braved the world of shopping (not our favorite pasttime) and got most of it done. Got all sorts of fun stuff - cat food, ziplock bags, picture frames, brake fluid, antifreeze, etc. Being grown up is so not fun sometimes. :) Then we did more work around the house and hung out. Cody even got to watch three movies while I worked this weekend that I would have never watched with him - Deliverance and Kill Bill Vol. 1 and 2. I had/have no desire to see any of those but now I know the basic premise of them all so I can at least chat about them.
Then of course I spent hours of my life on this wedding. We have exactly 12 weeks and 6 days to go and I can not wait for them to all be gone. I just want this thing over with. Thankfully for Cody's mom and sister, we at least have a chair rental place picked out now (you wouldn't think this would be hard or a huge pain - think again - it was - Donna and I called about a zillion places to try to find ones that wouldn't charge an extra $200 to pick up the chairs on Saturday because Maclay doesn't let you leave them overnight). We also sent the deposit to the photographer so that is out of the way - that was a huge one. Then I spent hours tonight looking at invitations. I found ones I really like - for $7.90 each! Yeah right - not a chance in hell am I spending that much money on invitiations - sorry friends and family but you're not getting $7.90 invitations to our wedding that will end up in the trash as soon as you write the date on your calendar. So now we're on the search for affordable invitations. I did get the flower girl dresses while in Tally so now we just have to figure out the bridesmaids dresses and tuxes. Fun with wedding planning!

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