Monday, January 22, 2007

Weekend Fun.

This weekend we had fun with home improvement. More painting the downstairs bath - finished even the trim!!! We bought and put up a new light fixture (I hated the old one) and cleaned the bathroom all spick and span. We finished painting the door today so now that can go back up and we can have a door to our bathroom again. Now we just have to fix the leak in the toilet that developed after I took it apart to paint behind it. :)
We hung around, had the normal fun, and got to relax a bit. We got a few inches of snow but by the time we woke up on Sunday it was too warm (around 35 - wow!) that it was melting and no longer sled-able. Next time we'll have to get on it earlier so we can get some sledding in on our new sleds.
I had a nice tumble down our stairs Saturday night as well. I was running and slipped on my fuzzy socks and the carpet, tumbled, skinned up my forearms and twisted my ankle. Always a good time. Now I'm stuck on the bike for work outs for a few days - I hate working out on stationary bikes.
Well, that's the news that's fit to print for now. As usual, the wedding planning is moving along - tonight we researched honeymoon destinations (the best part of the wedding as far as I'm concerned - when it's all over!). Oh yeah, and we're having a big party for Cody on Saturday for his birthday - it's his "golden birthday" - he'll be 28 on the 28th! Pretty cool! So that's the whole motivation with the painting - getting more done for the party. So this week is going to be busy, busy, busy. I even had to pass on going out with the girls tonight so I could work-out and do party prep! Hopefully we can get it all done in time!

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