Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sick as a Dog.

Cody, not me. After our fun filled weekend and our "date night" out to the movies, we returned home and Cody said he his stomach didn't feel good. Admitedly, one thing I lack sometimes is compassion - I thought he just ate something that didn't agree with him so I told him to take some Mylanta (this stuff is amazing - I swear by it) and go to sleep. Not 20 minutes later he was throwing up. And throwing up. And throwing up some more. Until about an hour before I had to be at work. So basically he threw up for the 8 hours we should have been sleeping. Yuck. Poor kid. Needless to say, I was more compasionate after that, and he stayed home from work yesterday and today. Today he's been experiementing with eating again - bananas, popcorn and the like. It seems likely it was just a food poisoning but we can't figure out what it might be. I thought it might be the minestrone soup I made since he was the only one who had eaten any, but I had some last night and I'm fine. So go figure - could be anything. In any event, he's getting back on his feet finally after all that trauma and he lost 10 lbs. in two days! No fair - not that I would want to go through that to lose 10 lbs. - some things just aren't worth it. :)

Not much out of the normal in my crazy life. Work. Working out (I've been really good about this lately - totally dedictated now that the wedding is officially 11 weeks and 3 days away - damn!). Cleaning house. Laundry. Painting. Preparing for the party next weekend. Fun times.

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