Monday, January 15, 2007

Movie #3

Oh, I almost forgot - Cody and I had a momentous occassion tonight. We actually went out to see a movie! This may seem like an ordinary occurance for most people but not us. It's not like there are never movies we want to see - it's just that by the time the movie comes out and we find time to go see it, we always find it's already left the theaters. I've lived here almost three years now and until today we had only gone to two movies at the theater - TWO. The first was "Team America - World Police" and the second was "Fehrenheit 9/11." Obviously, you can tell my political leanings. :) So anyway, tonight we finally saw a movie before it left the theaters. Cody is a HUGE Rocky fan so we went to see "Rocky Balboa." Given that the fifth in the series was so bad, we weren't expecting too much out of this one, but it was awesome. It was really quite a good movie. If you at all liked the other Rocky's (except #5) it's worth a trip to the theater. Though, I must comment, that damn have prices gone up since we used to go to movies 10 years ago. We still use our student IDs and it's still $7.50 each! DAMN!! Aside from the time issues, now you know why we don't go to more movies. :)

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