Sunday, August 20, 2006

Another reason I love my new computer!

I love my new computer! First, I swear the monitor is bigger then our TV (yes, this is an exaggeration, but we do have very small TV's - on purpose). Second, it's wicked fast. I'm mean super duper wicked fast. I hava tendency to have a lot of programs running at one time (7 internet explorers, outlook express (yes, my computer friends, I do know it is a crappy program, but I like it so leave me alone about using it), Word, Excel (wedding guest list is always open for edits), and Front Page) - my old laptop would freeze up and run really slow. But not new super fast computer - it's great. Third, it's super light. I love laptops and I love light ones even more. Forth, the keyboard rocks. I type a lot, thus I love keyboards that are nice. This one is nice.
I figured out even another reason to love it tonight. As the whole world knows, I take a lot of pictures. I mean, A LOT. On the old computer, I would have to find my cord, hook the camera up to a USB port and download them using a very crappy Kodak Gallery program. First, the cord was always missing. Second, the camera had to stay on throughout the download so if the batteries were low it would shut itself off and all the pictures wouldn't download. Third, since I don't use Kodak as my editor, I would have to download to that program (because I have a Kodak camera), and then move them to Picassa - I love Picassa. Now, I just take my SD card out of my camera, put it directly into a slot on my computer and instantly the pictures upload to Picassa. No cords, no downloading, nothing. Just inset card into slot and done. FABULOUS!

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