Monday, August 14, 2006

Happy 10 Years!

10 years. Wow - that's a long damn time. As a matter of fact, that's how long Cody and I have known each other this second time around. Second time around? You see, we first met on the Deerlake Middle School 8th grade trip to Washington D.C. He and his friends were on the same bus as my friends (hey there Meghan, Christine and Rachel!!!) and I on the trip up to D.C. Anyway, I had a HUGE crush on him so we sort of middle school flirted a bit here and there on the trip. Actually my friends and I pretty much stalked him and his friends because some of my friends also had crushes on some of his. I have about a zillion pictures of his butt from the trip because we were always following him and his friends around taking their pictures. Okay, we were lame. :) I do have one really great picture of him on the bus with his huge glasses. As soon as I figure out if my scanner still works, I'll scan it onto the website. :) Anyway, we even had a bet on the way back to Tally as to who can stay awake the longest and wrote notes the whole way back - I think I even have some of the notes. Anyway, upon returning to middle school, he went back to his friends, I back to mine and we really never talked again.
So that leads us to the second time around. 10 years ago this week, I got a job working at the grocery store where he worked. I had already worked for the store (Bruno's for those curious) at another location so got hired at his location working with him in Customer Service - where you buy lottery tickets and make returns. Anyway, I hated him because he didn't remember me. I refused to talk to him or really even be nice to him. I was really mad/hurt that he didn't even remember me when I had such a huge crush on him back in the day - come to learn later that it wasn't personal, it's just Cody and his faulty memory. :) So, when I first started working there not only did I hate him for not remembering me but I was dating someone else. When that relationship sort of fell apart, I noticed that Cody wasn't such a bad person after all. He trained me one Friday night on the office closing procedures (I was "promoted" from Customer Service to Office) and was really quite a funny guy. Anyway, jump forward a bit and he came into the store one evening while I was filling in as cashier and said he had to see the movie "Romeo and Juliet" for extra credit for English and wanted to know if I wanted to go. Obviously I said yes. To be continued . . . .

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Cody was in my fifth grade class at DeSoto Trail Elementary School and he was one of the only people in our grade who was taller than me. Looking at me now that's hard to believe. Looking at him it makes perfect sense. Congratulations you guys!