Monday, August 14, 2006

New Computer!

After months and months and months of pleading my case, I finally talked Cody into letting me get a new laptop! Actually, I just saved and saved my mileage checks until he couldn't argue with me anymore about the necessity of a laptop. You see, I get paid mileage for every out of town docket I go to so in the past I usually put half in savings for us and the other half I spent on whatever I wanted - clothes, etc. But since the old laptop finally broke, I've been saving my mileage checks for a new laptop. Well the time finally came and Cody went and got it this morning. You see, Cody is a desktop guy. I'm a laptop girl. Though he probably uses my laptop about 90% more then he does his desktop, he sees a desktop as a necessity and a laptop as a toy. I'm the opposite. I don't see why anyone in the world would want a dumb desktop - they're practically useless (especially ours since it's upstairs where it's currently too hot to even hang out and plan on the computer) and totally immobile. Laptops just rock. They're mobile, I can take it around the house whereever I need it. They're just cute too. :) In any event, I got a new laptop and am thrilled. . . though Cody's being insane about making sure we're careful with the hinges (I have a thing with hinges - they always break around me - cell phones and laptops being the big ones). :)

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