Thursday, August 17, 2006

Back to School.

So, I'm debating going back to school - again. I'm not sure exactly why (maybe I should figure that out before paying even more money for a useless education), but I want to get as much education as I may need before I get too old to go back or have kids and not have enough time/money, etc. And I figure I may not always want to do law so I'm considering things that might expand my career possibilities. I think every time I get far enough out from being in school I miss it and want to go back, hence the law degree (and the inability to spell - is it "hense" or "hence"???). :)
For instance, I can get a Masters in Math, then I could teach math (in college, not K-12) or stay in law. I could go for a few more classes and get a Bachelor's in Engineering, then I could do engineering stuff if I ever so desire, or I could sit for the Patent Bar. I could go for a Masters in Computer Science (provided my minor in CS will get me into a program without too many prereqs), then I could teach math or computers, or sit for the Patent Bar. I could get an MBA, then I could do law or do law type business things. So many options. And such expensive options. I was looking at UF's online MBA program and knowing how affordable undergrad was I figured it would be as well. Nope. $39000 for the two year, online MBA program. Not what I call cheap. If I do go back to school, I would not be leaving work. I would want to do an evening/weekend/online program. It would be neat if Cody and I could do a program together and we could both get a degree, help each other out and have Boeing pay for his! Of course we'd still have to pay for mine since, aside from a great office with a view of Busch Stadium (and my rockin' secretary who can spell better then anyone you've ever met), I really get no perks at my job. None. Not even free internet time. But that's another story for another time. Anyway, that's my current debate.
Oh, today's "zone" was supposed to be both bathrooms, but I only finished the upstairs one. I figured we could not touch it until my mom gets here and only use the downstairs one and then I can just clean the bathroom downstairs right before she gets here. :) I did get both fish tanks in the living room clean though. So now we have all clean fish tanks - not counting the turtle tank though. :)

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