Thursday, August 31, 2006

It's that time again.

Fall. Football. Cold weather.

Wait! Hang on! Already? It's still AUGUST!!

Yup, folks, that's right. It's all here in Cold Corn Country. First, football. I used to always think of football as an after Labor Day thing. Not anymore. Football officially started tonight with South Carolina v. Miss. State - yeah, there were other games on too, but no one really cared. All we cared about was watching Spurrier play. Too bad we couldn't "watch" the game, since we have "baby cable" and we don't get ESPN (we get ABC, NBC, CBS, TBS, FOX, WB and that's about it - only $5 a month though!!! We rarely watch TV.). I would seriously trade every channel but one of the big four (so I can still get the news) all for ESPN. I would even pay extra for a "sports package" in order to just get ESPN, but nope, can't do that. You have to get the HUGE cable package to get ESPN and in order to get any extra sports channels you have to first have the huge package and then pay more. So it's not happening, we're not getting ESPN, so we had to "watch" the game on's GameCast - for the Gator games we just go watch them somewhere. Anyway, cable companies, if you're out there, here's what I want - ABC and ESPN, and I'll even pay $10 a month for it! That's it. No more channels. Anyway, football's back. Gators play Girl Scout Troop 109 on Saturday and FSU opens with Miami on Monday night! I LOVE football season!

Second, chilly weather. "Chilly?" you ask - it's only AUGUST! Yes, fall. For three days in a row now I've worn a jacket/coat and long sleeves. We went to the Cardinals v. Marlins games on Tuesday (with Meghan, Danny and Elizabeth - thanks for the tickets!!) and Wednesday (ate yummy pretzels with Marissa and Cassidy) and both nights it was quite chilly. I sat on my hands most of the game because they were cold and that was with a jacket on. At work it's even been a bit too nippy to sit outside for lunch. I can't believe it's this chilly already and we haven't even passed Labor Day.

And finally, fall. Yup, Labor Day is only a few days away, marking the official end to all things fun, laid back and well, fun, in the north. Summer is considered over and fall begins it's slow decline to winter. Everything cool closes at Labor Day and from here on into Memorial Day you pretty much just work and try to make it through the winter. While I love the feeling of briskness in the air and I really love Halloween and pumpkin carving (check out the carvings from last year on the webpage), fall is terribly depressing as it only leads to the end of Daylight's Savings Time (I see no reason it should end - it makes my life so happy) and winter. And everyone knows how I feel about winter. I HATE the cold! HATE really isn't a strong enough word for my dislike of winter. I am miserable, cranky and more miserable in the winter. Luckily I can rejoice that Cody is open to moving to a warmer climate at some point. :)

I hope everyone has a great Labor Day! We're off to Wisconsin for Cody's cousin's wedding in Appleton (it's near Green Bay). It should be a great time. We get to see his mom's side of the family - his Aunt Jackie (amazing lady - and hillarious!), Uncle Fred, Uncle Harold, hopefully Kristy, Cory and Cory's family, and Bev and Matt (very cool guy our age). It should be nice to get to hang out and get away from STL for a few days. It's just too bad we're not going somewhere warmer. :)

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