Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Missy's House Cleaning/Prepare For Guests Strategy

My mom is coming to visit next week, actually in exactly 10 days, to hang out and help with the wedding. Mostly, I need her help finding a wedding dress, so I called whining and begged her to come help. Our objective? Hit as many bridal boutiques as necessary to find "the one" or at least "the good enough one because we're tired of looking at dresses." Anyway, whenever a family member comes to visit I get very excited. We don't get to see our family often and they get to see our humble home even less often, so I get excited that they're coming to see us in our house and our city. And I want everything to look as nice as humanly possible for their visit. You see, they get to see our siblings houses all the time but ours only once in a blue moon, so I want to make a good impression and at least trick them into thinking we keep our house this nice all the time. So I have a plan when family is visiting.
I divide the house/property into rooms, or "zones," if you will. And there are 10 "zones" - Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen, Boy Room, Bedroom, Spare Room, Bathrooms, Hallways and Stairs, Basement, and Yard (front and back) and Porch. So each day I have a list of things I want to do in the "zone" I have assigned to that day. For instance, today's "zone" was the Living Room. So I came home from work, painted the trim around the window (the rest of the room was painted last June but for some reason I hadn't finished the trim yet), got started on the trim around the doorway (actually Cody did this part), washed the couch covers (in a feble attempt to remove the cat hair), vacuumed the rug, cleaned/dusted the coffee table, book cases and fish tank stands, reorganized the bookcases totally (we have an enourmous amount of books filling bookcases in ever corner of this room), swept and washed the wood floors, cleaned the blinds on the front windown, and then just general straigtening. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to put the second coat on the doorway trim or clean the two fishtanks, so that will have to eat into another "zones" time later in the week. I can't wait until I have all these little chores done and the house looks super nice.
We also found out that Cody's parents are coming to visit next month! I'm super excited because they came up with us last July when we moved my U-Haul of stuff into the house and did a great job helping us paint, but they haven't seen the house since so they've missed the house looking like an actual lived in house! I can't wait to show them all we've done and they can see how we've organized everything. I think they'll really like what we've done with the place - especially since the last time they were here there were boxes in every room and we were still sleeping on the floor. :)
Well, off to shower after a totally grueling 45 mintues on the eliptical today. I don't know how 45 minutes on that damn thing can seem harder then running 7 miles. Go figure.
p.s. Wow I love the new computer - the monitor is ginormous!

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