Wednesday, August 02, 2006


If you wonder why my house is a mess and I never get anything done, today is a prime example. Today's schedule: Wake at 7 am. Leave for work at 7.30 am (Yes, my goal is to wake up, get dressed and ready to go and out the door in less then 30 minutes - I pride myself on my low-maintenance mornings). Work all day. 5:30 leave work. 5:50 arrive home, change into work-out clothes. 6:00 leave for gym. 6:10-7:10 Cardio Kickboxing class. 7:30 arrive home, call Cody back from the three "missed calls," find out everyone is going to Shafly Brewery (a local St. Louis brewery - awesome Hefeweizen) to watch "Flash Gordon," find out movie starts at 8pm. 7:30-7:45 eat quick dinner (frozen salmon cooked in microwave), take shower because I was stinky, and get in car. 8:00 arrive at Shafly, watch "Flash," laugh uncontrollably. 10:30 pm arrive home, having not done laundry, dishes, vauccuming, sweeping, yard work, or any other possible task I had on the never ending "to do" list. You know though, damn life is good and I wouldn't have it any other way. :)

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