Thursday, February 22, 2007

Crisis Super Solved - Hopefully.

Disclaimer: More wedding dribble. Proceed at own risk.
I think the dress crisis might actually be solved. I talked with the dress shop today and they are sending my dress back to the maker and the maker is sending me a new dress on Saturday (it will arrive on Saturday). How, you might ask, does the maker get a dress out that fast? Simple -some people are more on the ball then me. Apparently someone else ordered the same dress in my size and we are similar heights - but her wedding is not until Novemeber. So they are sending me her dress to see if it fits and if it does then they will just make her a new dress since she has until November and I have 6 weeks and 1 day. :) Thank heavens for whoever ordered their dress that early and happens to have the same taste and size as me!!! Since we'll be out of town this weekend (fun in Wisconsin - and I thought it was cold here!) I'm going to try it on Tuesday - I'm holding my breath and my stomach- this thing better fit - we're running out of time here. Hopefully it will fit like a glove and they will only have to take up the bust area. Yipee! A few more days and I get to find out!!!

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