Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A Dress! A Dress! I Finally Have a Dress!

Yes folks, I finally have a wedding dress - with five weeks and 4 days to spare! I am so relieved I can't even explain it. I think I was giving myself an ulcer worrying so much about whether it would fit or not and what I would do if it didn't. I went in to the shop today, tried on the smaller size and it fit wonderfully. Like a glove - literally. It doesn't fall off, move around or restrict my breathing. I need absolutely zero alterations except for the seamstress to sew in cups and make a bustle. I should be able to pick it up next Tuesday all pretty and ready to take home! I seriously can't believe it! Thank goodness for Girl who ordered her dress super early with the wedding in November, because now I will be wearing her dress and she will be getting a new one. :) I guess sometimes things do go right! Still so much to do in so little time but we're moving along!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

That's wonderful! Congrats!