Sunday, February 18, 2007

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who was there for me this weekend when I was dealing with my dress fiasco. I probably sounded like the world was coming to an end and that meteors were going to drop from the sky at any moment - but you kept me calm and brought me back to somewhat rational thought (if that's possible). I am slowly coming to realize that in the end I will, hopefully, not hate my wedding dress, it will fit and the day will go on and one way or the other it will be over in 6 weeks and 6 days. I think I am officially changing the phrase "going postal" to "going bridal." :) As I figured out today, I think I could deal with this wedding okay if that was all that was going on -it's just a wedding, right? And I think I could deal with my family situation if that was all that was going on. But dealing with them both at the same time is really testing the limits of my ability to cope with things. I honestly feel like I'm going to mentally explode at times - my whole world feels like it's just been ripped out from under me and in place of a nice solid floor, I'm left standing on quickly melting Jell-O (now there's a visual for you). :) Thanks for everyone for sticking by me and helping me to not go (as) insane. When this is all over, I owe you all HUGE (especially Cody's family since I wasn't born into their family and they aren't forced to love me - and they still do - even though all this mess)!!

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