Friday, February 16, 2007

Nora Johnson . . . or Jones?

So, as most of those who know me know quite well, I am not a pop culture queen. I know nothing about what is on TV - aside from the fact that we don't even have cable, we just don't watch much TV (aside from Gray's Anotomy - I'm addicted). And I don't listen to the radio - for many reasons. First, St. Louis radio is horrible. Really really horrible. Every station has about a 30 minute play list, 20 minutes of which are commercials so you hear the same five songs over and over and over - and four of those songs suck - and then more commercials. Then I'm going through a stage where radio makes me feel old. Back in the day, "Oldies" was the 50's music. I always loved the "Classics" - 60s and 70s - love that stuff. Well, now the stuff I love is the "Oldies" and the "Classics" are the 80s and 90s stuff - that 90s music is on the "Classic" stations just makes me feel old.
Anyway, there is a point to this story. We were watching Dateline NBC or some news show and they had a person on named Nora Jones (which I kept calling was Nora Johnson). Apparently she won a bunch of Grammys or something last year. I seriously had never heard of this person. Never. I had no clue who she was. So I went to work and told everyone this because I assumed she won the Grammys in some obscure category that they give out on Thursday before the live show on Sunday and no one else would have heard of her either. Nope. Everyone laughed at me and told me I need to catch up. Nothing new there. I know everything about pop culture either last or not at all - I just don't really care that much I guess. Anyway, so then she was on Letterman last night. And she was actually quite good. So while we were at Wal-Mart buying on sale Valentine candy (long story - I think we're going to use them as favors) I bought the CD - the first CD I've bought in a long time - sort of on a whim. We listened to it when we got home and I was calm. Really calm. Her voice is soothing. I can't speak for her musical talent or her vocal ability - I'm not a music expert (I listen to They Might Be Giants for God's sake - they are playing at MARDI GRAS!!!) - but she is soothing. Very soothing. So I think Ms. Johnson/Jones and I are going to make a great team over the next 7 weeks and two days. Sorry if you hate her or hate all things contemporary - she soothes me, okay? :) I think I'm going to listen to Ms. Jones and go to bed now. Good night everyone!

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