Monday, February 05, 2007

My Girls Rock!

Backing up a few days I abosultely have to blog about how great my friends are. Not just okay or somewhat great but drop down fabulous great. So here's the story. . . .
Friday was a co-workers last day (we've known this for two weeks), so a lively happy hour was planned at Jack Patricks (a favorite dive downtown). Weeks ago when said happy hour was planned, the girls sent out an email saying essentially, "since we'll already all be out together, let's do a girls dinner night." This is not unusual as we've done Girl's Nights Out before. So we all decided to go to this fabulous place, Sen Thai after the happy hour. Reservations were made and plans were solidified.
So Friday comes around, we ditch out of work around 4pm (it was cold that day so I don't think I got into work until 9 am so you can tell how much work I did on Friday) to hit up the aforementioned happy hour. Happy hour was as happy hours go - beer, drinks, fun times. So we hung out, I had myself my Heffewiesens and we headed to Sen Thai in the freezing cold. Seriously by the time we walked there I was concerned my nose had fallen off four blocks earlier - but alas my nose was still attached. So we walk in, the four of us, and the girls don't even stop at the hostess station. I found that quite odd until I looked up on this raised seating area and there were more of my friends - non-work friends - friends that don't know the friends I was out with. Was this some really strange coincidence or something else? It was something else.
My girlfriends (spearheaded by the lovely Marissa) had put together a surprise Bachelorette Party!! Yes, they somehow managed to break into my computer, get my other friend's emails (friends they didn't even know), email them all an invitation and set up this great party! Yeah, they rock. Why a surprise party you may ask? Because every time Marissa would try to set one up with me involved I would just say (honestly), "we have absolutely no weekends free between now and the wedding" and just drop it and leave it at that. And seriously we didn't/don't - but this weekend our "plans" only included the Super Bowl on Sunday so they managed to find the one weekend day I was free and set up this great party.
I'll post all the pictures later (I know, I still haven't posted Christmas pictures), but needless to say it was a blast. They decorated the table with all sorts of paraphernalia (most of it modeled after a male body part) and even got me a boa, a sash and some sort of tiara/crown with a fake veil on it. To top it all off they had set it up for everyone to bring a bottle of wine to the party to stock my wine collection. And what a wine collection I now have! Anyone who knows me knows what a wine freak I've become - not a wine connoisseur by any means, just someone who likes to drink a lot of wine - good wine, bad wine, purple wine, blue wine, white wine, red wine - I could care less, as long as it's wine. I was on a beer kick but I'm over that because I was tired of the air buildup in my tummy. As for booze, most of the mixers are too many calories, so I stick with wine. Anyway, this was a fabulous bonus to the whole party.
So we had a fantastic dinner at Sen Thai and then headed out for a night of drinking. Needless to say, a good time was had by all (okay I can't vouch for "all" but I can say I had a great time!)!!!
Thanks to everyone who came out - you guys all rock! I owe you huge!!

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